Monday, March 28, 2016

Feminism and Indonesian Law Enforcement through ZOOTOPIA

ZOOTOPIA is the latest work of Walt Disney Animation Studios. It was directed by Byron Howard, Rich Moore and written by Jared Bush. And boy, i was starstruck. Because they cleverly coated so many semiotics content inside a simple animation film. It tells the story of a modern metropolis where mammals, separated by cruel history of animal food chain, symbolized by predator and prey, which lead to many unexpected conflicts. It kind of describe today society where race and religion often become the source of many dispute.

ZOOTOPIA was rated PG by the MPAA. So this film is safe to be watched by all ages, especially children. Thus, this movie might be very relevant as a media education to educate children about diversity: whatever the race, species, whats matter is inside.

And there's hidden easter inside this film: Feminism. Especially in law enforcement.

Feminism is closely related to movements that fight for equal rights. The essence of feminism is resistance, and freedom from oppression, domination, hegemony, injustice, and violence. The specifics of feminism is against oppression. Feminism, thus favoring women, to those who are oppressed, discriminated against, exploited and neglected.

The main character of ZOOTOPIA is a female rabbit named Judy Hopps who was the first to successfully become a police officer despite a common understanding that bunny will always be carrot farmers to avoid all kinds of dangers. But albeit Judy achievement as the best academy graduates, in the police institution that tends to portray masculinity, who are mostly big and mighty predators, Judy experienced various forms of injustice such as the underestimation and embarassment.

It’s a common understanding that the law enforcement is an attractive profession full of challenges, obstacles and harshness. This masculinity may be the reason why in Indonesia, this kind of profession is dominated by men. Former Chief of National Police, General Sutarman, has stated that the number of female police officers in Indonesia until September 2014 is as much as 14,400 personnel, or about 3.6% of police in Indonesia. Even though, the former Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar revealed that according to 2010 data, the number of women in Indonesia is almost as much as men with procentage 49.66% of women and 50.34% of men. Although the numbers are almost equivalent, but Linda said that there is still a gender gap and the lack of fulfillment of rights for women. It is definitely an irony whenever an excess of quantity is not balanced by the excess of portion.

And it was totally potrayed in ZOOTOPIA where the total of  voice actor for the police are  mostly men. Meanwhile, the main character, Judy with her small body is voiced over by Ginnifer Goodwin.


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