Tuesday, July 18, 2017

First Day of Batch 4 Refactory Coding Bootcamp. The Difference between Starting and Maintaining.

Time definitely is running fast. Now, our beloved coding bootcamp has entered its 4th batch. Looking back, if I remember correctly, at exactly 8 months ago before we even started, there are already many changes. Among them, the change that i felt the most is our approach in terms of marketing and brand awareness.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Ideally, Anyone Can Be a Programmer

Arigi Wiratama is one of a living testimonies to the statement that "anyone can be a programmer". The youngest mentor on the Refactory programming bootcamp, Arigi's story is not only interesting but also heroic. This is a story of the determination of a young man who literally started from scratch, and then skyrocketed his position until he leads one of the big projects in Refactory, and only God knows where he'll stop.