Lately, i've been arguing with two of my film maker juniors for their view on LGBT. Both of them seems strongly rejected the ideas that regardless of gender, another person may attracted to same sex counterparts. Their hate seems so strong to the points that i'd call them homophobes. Even in the end, both of them preached about morality. Well, nice work on arguing with stuck up people, contra-productive right? I know. The truth is i even don't think that i feel like to defend LGBT. I could even care less to their opinion if not only for the fact that:
(i) they was my early favorite juniors
(i) they was my early favorite juniors
(ii) i saw potential in them as filmmaker
And hearing them being so mainstream to an environment where being antimainstream is glorified, i can't help but feeling that i've failed them. To the point that i'm feeling what Obi Wan Kenobi felt when he thought he failed Anakin Skywalker.
Not everyone will be agreeing to our view
I had to admit that i was the one whose at fault. First, they are grown up. They have decided their opinion and i should respect them for standing strongly for it. I shouldn't have to shove my opinion on them since it's: (i) not theirs, (ii) it just making me being a dictator where his value must be upholded by his people. And forcing my opinion is just a total setbacks to the film maker environment where diversity in opinion is needed to nurturing the ideas.
Thinking that you're acting open-minded, doesn't help you being one
It means that supporting only to everything that Western tends to believe as "open-minded" environment is not equal to being the real one. The acts of being open-minded shouldn't be dictated by one side of culture. Because being open-minded is respecting whatever beliefs people uphold, regardless of culture, religion, or views. Maybe i'm the closed-minded one. I'll admit that being tolerant is hard when you are a Cholerics.
Well, let's hope for the best to both of my juniors. Perhaps in the future, they'll be a splendid film maker with their own views, even better than i could ever be. But at this point, i'll just give up on them. Since i don't think that i'm a suitable candidate to guide them.
Thus today i learnt: The act of giving zero fucks.
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